848 Divisadero @ Mcalister
* Stairs at entrance, so let us know if you need help getting up there.
We will have light snacks and tea. Feel free to bring something to much on as we giggle about the weekend to come. There is an optional firepit a bit alter within walking distance.
May 8th
Yoga/Tai Chi
@ 8484 Divisadero
@ 848 Divisadero
We will be introducing ourselves and our mothers, playing some get-to-know-you games.
1pm ish:
Split off. Mothers who want to go to Imperial Spa are able to. This is a chunk of time to break off into groups or solo time with the kid.
@ Twinspace Contiuum
2111 Mission @ 17th #300 (3rd floor)
We welcome all friends and family to this event. Come meet our mothers, see some of the talent we put together.
There will be a nominal cover if you didn't bring a mother.
Sunday May 9th
@ Bollyhood
3372 19th st. @ Mission and Capp
We have prepared for 30 Mothers and Children.
We have paid for the Mothers food ahead of time to get the supplies.
We cannot pay for the childs food. Please be prepared for this. Drinks are also not covered.
We are commandeering room for ourselves during normal brunch, and we will be served family style amazing food by Homemade Hustle.
4:30-10:30 pm:
ADAPTOGEN healing arts salon
This is optional, but is a place where Mom's can receive some work.
This is a room set up in the Twinspace filled with healers of all cloth.
Reiki, massage, Craniosacral therapy.
It is a community style healing center, without individual walls.
We were not able to fund this for your Mother, so the cost is a donation of 10$-200$
check out the schedule on facebook here:
The rest of this day is to spend with your mother. Show her the town, show her Howeird Festival, View the Golden Gate Bridge, etc.